Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

It looks like Fairyland .... Feels like Siberia!

View from bedroom window early
Went for a brief walk today, dressed up like an arctic explorer and barely able to move for the layers of padding and fleece.  After almost two weeks of sub-zero temperatures everything is frozen solid.  Last night was -18  though by  mid-day it was a balmy -9.
kitchen window

Despite the central heating and the double glazing there was ice on the inside of some of the windows. 

But the view outside was spectacular - an ice fantasy.

Everything is clothed in ice crystals   - trees have morphed into coral reefs against the blue sky - every twig disguised in white.

Even the fences have become ice sculptures.

It is utterly beautiful - but as cold as Siberia and anyone who stops long enough to look risks hypothermia.  I took photographs until my camera froze.

I met a very cold horse

Getting in and out of the front door has become hazardous - the mill has waterfalls of icicles - some nearly six feet long.

Tomorrow I'm off on my travels again.  Down to London for a meeting with publishers and the sales team.  Authors are sometimes asked to meet the sales reps and 'pitch' the book to them.   The reps are the people who are going to sell your book to the book shops and you need them on your side.  So I will be working very hard to persuade them that it's a wonderful book - however nervous I feel about it! 

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